What’s new for BRoW4

During the pandemic, the team of BRoW4 have been working hard to become Community Interest Company. which is a hybrid between a charity and a profit making company. Our events are organised for the benefit of the communities. We are now known as BRoW4 CIC and have our very own business number 13173629.

Welcome to our Directors

We would like to take this opportunity and welcome Andy Gilbert founder/director of https://www.routetoweb.co.uk/ and Lianne Simpson founder/director of https://diamondhampers.org/ and Anna Dutton Founder of BRoW4 as the new Directors of BRoW4 CIC.

We will continue to carry out activities which will fulfil the interest of the community.

Our aim at our events, is to encourage the families of the local community to Bike Run or Walk 4 their chosen air ambulance, also, too be able to socialise and hopefully make new friends with the entertainment that we provide. We are also asking the local people to help in the running of our events as everyone has the ability to help but are unsure how.

We will continue to support

  • East Anglian Air Ambulance
  • Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust
  • The Great North Air Ambulance Service
  • Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
  • Magpas Air Ambulance
  • Midlands Air Ambulance Charity
  • North West Air Ambulance
  • Thames Valley Air Ambulance
  • Wiltshire Air Ambulance Charitable Trust
  • Yorkshire Air Ambulance Limited
  • The Air Ambulance Service





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